Adult giant hemangioma of the larynx: A case report

Truong Khuong Nguyen, Nhat Vinh Le

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Background: Hemangiomas are relatively rare, slow-growing benign tumors that can cause necrosis, ulceration and infection leading to airway obstruction or hemorrhage. Treatment approaches have not yet been agreed, in­cluding active monitoring, corticosteroids, injectable sclerotherapy, laser therapy, and surgical resection.

Case report: A 40-year-old woman with a 6-month history of persistent throat clearing and foreign body sensa­tion. In the last 2 months, the patient's shortness of breath gradually increased. The patient bought himself medi­cine to treat indigestion and stomach pain at the pharmacy, when his breathing got worse, he went to the doctor, laryngoscopy and CT scan showed a large, irregular, lobulated tumor, covered by a dark purple mucosa occupying the entire glottis, the vocal cords are not visible. Patients with a history of prosthetic mitral valve replacement are on anticoagulation. The patient was tracheostomy, then general anesthesia through the tracheal cannula. Hemangiomas adjacent to the epiglottis were reduced in size by bipolar electrocautery. The base of the tumor was removed with an ultrasound scalpel. After 2 months of follow-up, there was no sign of recurrence.

Conclusion: The treatment of oropharyngeal hemangiomas still faces many difficulties. It is important to select treatments considering the characteristics of the treatment method and the anatomical and functional relation­ship between the hemangioma and surrounding structures. Bipolar electrocautery combined with translaryngo- scopic ultrasound knife resection may be an effective treatment for oropharyngeal hemangiomas.

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