Đánh giá một số yếu tố liên quan đến kiến thức và thực hành của điều dưỡng về kỹ thuật tiêm insulin cho người bệnh

Thi Hoa Phung , Phuong Hoa Nguyen, Tien Hong Nguyen

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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic state of hyperglycemia characterized by disturbances in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism combined with an absolute or relative decrease in insulin action and/or insulin secretion [1]. In Vietnam, the prevalence of diabetes is on the rise. At the National Hospital of Otolaryngology, the number of patients with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin is also increasing. Objectives: 1. General characteristics of nurses participating in insulin injection research and practice; 2.Evaluate some factors related to knowledge and practice of nurses about insulin injection technique for patients. Subjects: 62 nurses who performed insulin injections and agreed to participate in the study at the National Hospital of Otolaryngology from March 2022 to October 2022. Methods: Prospective study. Results: Female nurses accounted for 88.7%, 7.8 times higher than male nurses accounting for 11.3%. Nurses are mainly in the age group of 31-40 years old (53.2%), 58.1% of nurses have a bachelor's degree. The majority of nurses have worked for 10-20 years, accounting for 53.2%. Conclusion: There is a relationship between training and knowledge, qualifications and practice; There was no correlation between working time and practice.

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