Evaluate knowledge and practice of nurses on insulin injection techniques for patients

Phuong Hoa Nguyen , Thi Hoa Phung, Tien Hong Nguyen

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Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is increasingly common in Vietnam as well as in the world and has a very rapid growth rate according to quality of life. At the National Hospital of Otolaryngology, the number of patients with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin is also increasing. In order to achieve high results in treatment, the role of nurses in guiding patients to use insulin is extremely important, nurses need to have knowledge and practice on insulin injection techniques. Objective: “Evaluate knowledge and practice of nurses on insulin injection techniques for patients”. Subjects: 62 nurses who performed insulin injections and agreed to participate in the study at the National Hospital of Otolaryngology from March 2022 to October 2022. Methods: Prospective study. Results: In general, the rate of having wrong knowledge was quite high, typically 53.3% had wrong knowledge about insulin concentration, 75.8% of nurses did not mix insulin before using it. The percentage of nurses who reminded patients to eat after insulin injection was low with fast-acting insulin correct 11.6%, regular-acting insulin 17.8% correct, semi-slow insulin correct 21%, mixed insulin correct 16.1%. The number of nurses with a low level of knowledge is 41.9% and 58.1%, respectively, lower than the number of nurses with poor knowledge. The failure rate of nursing practice is quite high 43.6%. Conclusion: To achieve high results in treatment, the role of nurses in guiding patients to use insulin is extremely important, nurses need to have knowledge and practice on insulin injection techniques.

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