Killian polyp passing post ethmoidal ostium into the nasal cavity: case report
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Killan polyp, also known as antrochoanal polyp (ACP), is a benign polyp formed by lessions the mucous epithelium in the maxillary sinus, growing larger and larger and entering the nasal cavity through the maxillary ostium, extension the nasalpharynx 1,2,3. Killian polyp is a solitary polyp, presenting unilateral disease, it is a common in the pediatrict population covering up to 35% of nasal polyps in childrenin. While it represents only 4-6% of all nasal polyps in adults 4,5,6,7. In this report, we describe a case of Killian polyp that entered the nasal cavity through the superior meatus, it has not been found in the literature.
Killian polyp, antrochoanal polyp
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