Hieu Binh Vo , Tran Quang Minh Le, Duy Phong Dang

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Introduction: The pneumatization of the frontal sinuses may be associated with persistent headaches, or be the cause of chronic allergic rhinitis. Scales based on sinus volume showed a better correlation with quality of life after treatment than 2D evaluation scales such as the Lund-Mackay scale. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the pneumatization and calculate the volume of the frontal sinus.

Objectives: To determine the rate of pneumatization, the size and volume of the frontal sinus on CT scan.

Methods: The descriptive study included 136 adults aged 20 years and older who were examined in Ho Chi Minh City Otolaryngology in the period from 11/2022 to 07/2023. The paranasal sinus CT images were obtained and analyzed to classify the type of frontal sinus pneumatization, measure the size and calculate the volume of the frontal sinus.

Results: The rate of bilateral frontal sinus aplasia was 2.2%. The medium pneumatization is the most common form, accounting for 58,46%. The average height, width, and depth of the frontal sinus are 24.42 ± 7.86 mm. 24.50 ± 9.23 mm. 11.50 ± 4.05 mm. respectively. The mean frontal sinus volume is 2.31 ± 1.71 ml.

Conclusions: Classification of frontal sinus pneumatization should be based on sinus volume on CT scan to increase reliability, instead of assessment by classification on 2D planes due to the lack of contribution of the depth of the frontal sinus.

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