Doan Tan Tai Pham1, Hoang Phong Do2, Huu Dang Luong2, , Tuan Nhu Nguyen1
1 Children Hospital No.1
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

Main Article Content



Introduction: We described an uncommon case of pediatric patient with bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss after symptomatic infection of COVID-19. The patient received bilateral cochlear implantation at the Children Hospital No.1. Initial results assist us in improving the performance of future cases.

Methods: A case report.

Results: A 7-year-old girl with post lingual hearing loss was indicated for cochlear implant operation. After surgery, she received a series of hearing and speaking rehabilitation training and achieved good results.

Conclusion: Children with sudden sensorineural hearing loss have a chance to recover normal hearing after early detection and appropriate intervention. Significantly, post-implantation speech therapy greatly affect the success of treatment.

Keywords: Cochlear implant, speech therapy, sudden sensorineural hearing loss.

Article Details


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