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Introduction: Although NBF are not life-threatening, delayed treatment can lead to displacement or, if overlooked, can result in complications such as nasal collapse, deviation of the nasal pyramid, affecting both nasal function and facial aesthetics. This, in turn, can have a profound psychological impact on the patient. Objectiive: This study aims to survey some epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical and treatment outcome of NBF. Materials and methods: A descriptive study, based on the results of 13 patients with diagnosis NBF at Saigon Genenral hospital from 01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020. Results: NBF primarily occur in males (76.9%), with a male to female ratio of 3.3:1. The most affected age group is the young (16-30 years old), accounting for 61.5% of cases. The leading cause of NBF is traffic accidents (61.5%). Over 90% of NBF cases are closed fractures; the most common fracture type according to Ogawa's classification (2002) is non-displaced fractures (38.4%), followed by compression and mixed fractures (each at 23.1%), and least common are displaced (to the side, either bone or septum) and unclassifiable fractures due to swelling (each at 7.7%). Nearly 30% of NBF cases are associated with other injuries, with ocular injuries and orthopedic trauma being the most common (each at 23.1%), followed by maxillofacial and cranial nerve injuries (15.4%). All 13 cases underwent lateral X-ray of the nose, but only 76.9% showed a fracture line on the film, 15.4% were suspected of having a fracture, and 7.7% showed no fracture line despite clinical examination of NBF, which was later confirmed by a CT scan of the brain. Of these, 7/13 patients underwent a brain CT scan; classified according to Kun Hwang (2006), Group I (simple non-displaced fractures) was the most prevalent (42.8%), followed by Group III (communited or depressed fractures) (28.6%). The average inpatient treatment duration was 4.8 days, with 28.6% under 3 days, and 71.4% between 4 to 7 days, with no cases over 7 days. All patients had satisfactory treatment outcomes upon discharge and after 7-10 days post-discharge. Conclucions: NBF occurs in all age groups and genders, primarily affecting males under 30 years old. The leading cause of NBF is traffic accidents. According to Ogawa's classification, the most common type is a closed, non-displaced fracture, and as per Kun Hwang's classification, it falls under Group I (simple non-displaced fractures). CT scans have higher specificity than plain lateral X-rays of the nasal bone for diagnosing these fractures. Key words: nasal bone fracture, trauma.

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